Also calendar for 2017 years released by Pirelli is decorated in a similar style. It includes portraits of actresses nearly makeup-free. The author of photos, German photographer Peter Lindbergh titled the calendar “Emotional”.
I wanted to portray women not in terms of their perfection, but through their feelings and emotions. That’s why I called this edition of the Calendar Emotional: not some artificial perfection, but the real world and the emotions that well up behind the faces of these women - Lindbergh said. The calendar includes portraits of actresses Jessica Chastain, Penélope Cruz, Nicole Kidman, Rooney Mara, Helen Mirren, Julianne Moore, Lupita Nyong’o, Charlotte Rampling, Lea Seydoux, Uma Thurman, Alicia Vikander, Kate Winslet, Robin Wright and Zhang Ziyi. Lindbergh also photographed a Russian political theory professor, Anastasia Ignatova. Rather than putting make-up on women before a photo shoot, Lindbergh captures their natural beauty and doesn’t retouch the pics.

In a time when women are represented in the media and everywhere else, as ambassadors of perfection and youth, I thought it was important to remind everyone that there is a different beauty, more real and truthful and not manipulated by commercial or any other interests, a beauty which speaks about individuality, courage to be yourself and your own private sensibility - said Lindbergh.
Photographs from the calendar confirms the thesis that the makeup for women is a supplement, not a main element of her image, it is to emphasize the qualities of beauty, and not replace it. More important than how we think, that we should look, is that with what we feel good. So in 2017 be good for yourself.